Chilean Spanish Dictionary
Slang, Swearwords, Idiomatic Expressions

Chileans use a lot of slang in everyday speech and for someone that has studied Spanish in a "normal" environment (School, University), it may feel like you have to start from scratch again. But fear not, we have created a dictionary of Chilean Slang which also doubles as a cultural dictionary.
We also recommend you check out our quick guide to Chilean Spanish Pronunciation and our list of Chilean Food with what each one means in English.
To really test your knowledge of Chilean Spanish you may want to try and read a local newspaper called La Cuarta that uses a lot of Chilean slang and idiomatic expressions.
The following is a quick guide to each word. Clicking on a word that is highlighted will send you to a page with a more detailed description of its meaning and use with examples. Coming SOON
Remember to only use these words in the right situations otherwise they can make you look:
1. stupid 2. vulgar or 3. like a dick. 4. All of the above (You have been warned)
If there is anything else you think we could add, let us know on Facebook or Twitter.
Chilean Spanish Dictionary
More Coming SOON
A pata: on foot
Al lote: careless, untidy; too casual
Al tiro: right away; immediately
Amermelado: Silly, stupid person
Andar a lo gringo: to not wear underwear
Apagar la tele: to become unconscious
Arrugón(a): Someone who doesn't fulfill what they have said and pulls out (at the last minute)
Bacán: Cool, awesome, sweet!
Bolsero: Someone who always ask for things from everyone else (cigarettes, food etc).
¿Cachai?: Do you understand? Do you get it?
Cachipún: the game "Rock, paper, scissors"
Cacho: a problem; a difficult person or situation
Cachurero: junk; odd bits and pieces; stuff
Calentar la sopa: to sexually be a tease (to a male)
Carrete: party
Chalas: sandals
Chela: beer
Chueco: crooked; not straight; dishonest
Copete: Alcoholic drink
Copucha: a piece of gossip
Cuico: rich snob
Engrupir: to smooth talk
Filo: It doesn't matter
Fome: boring, lame
Guagua: baby
Guata: belly; stomach
Huevón: This has a thousand different meanings. Check them out here: Huevón, Weón, Güeon
Lanza: a thief that snatches someones purse, necklace or cellphone from its owner.
Lata: boring
Luca: one thousand pesos CLP$1000
Meter la pata: To put your foot in your mouth; to stuff something up
Mula: fake; false
Paco: carabinero (policeman)
Pagar el pato: To pay the consequences
Palta: avocado
Pilucho: naked
Piscola: pisco with cola
Polola: girlfriend
Pololo: boyfriend
Poto: bum
Plata: money
Pucho: a cigarrette
Sapo: a nosey person
Taco: a traffic jam
Taxi: a fake blond. You will notice that taxis have yellow roofs and a black lower part.
Tener mala pata: to be unlucky, to have bad luck
Tranqui: calm (down); don't worry
Volado: Stoned
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