Spanish Grammar Lessons
Lecciones de gramática en español

Welcome to our extensive collection of Spanish grammar lessons, designed for learners of all levels. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your advanced skills, our lessons offer clear and thorough explanations to help you grasp even the most challenging concepts.
Explore Our Spanish Grammar Lessons
We understand that everyone learns differently, which is why we offer our grammar lessons in two formats:
- Lessons Explained in English: Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners who need a solid foundation. These lessons provide clear explanations in English, making complex grammar points easier to understand.
- Lessons Explained in Spanish: Ideal for advanced learners who want to immerse themselves fully in the language. These lessons are conducted entirely in Spanish, offering an authentic and immersive learning experience.
Note: The lists below are in alphabetical order, not progressive order of difficulty.
Spanish Grammar Lessons (in ENGLISH)
Here is a list of all of our Spanish grammar lessons with explanations in English. Note: Some of these lessons marked (ws) are on our website and will open in a separate tab/page.
Pages in English for learning Spanish Grammar:
- Contractions AL and DEL - When and how to use the contractions AL and DEL in Spanish
- Dialogues - Punctuation - Correct Punctuation when writing dialogues in Spanish
- Gustar - Forming sentences with the Spanish verb Gustar and how to say you like something
- Hablar Comer Vivir - Present Tense (ws) - Spanish Regular Verb Conjugation in the Present Tense
- Infinitives (ws) - Spanish Verbs - What is an infinitive?
- Jugar vs. Tocar - How to say play IN Spanish
- Muy vs. Mucho - The difference between Muy and Mucho
- Nouns ending in O and A (ws) - Basic Spanish Nouns in singular and plural form
- Prepositions of Place - Showing where things are: abajo de, cerca de, detrás de, entre, etc.
- Present Tense - How to conjugate Spanish verbs in the present tense
- Subject Pronouns in Spanish - Pronombres Personales - Yo, tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros, etc.
- También vs. Tampoco - The difference between También and Tampoco
- Tú vs. Tu - The difference between Tú and Tu.
- Ves vs. Vez - The difference between Ves and Vez.
NOTE: The following pages have the entire explanation of grammar in Spanish.
Spanish Grammar Lessons (en ESPAÑOL)
- Abecedario - The alphabet in Spanish
- Acento - Las palabras agudas, graves, esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas
- Adjetivos Demostrativos - Demonstrative Adjectives (este, ese, aquel etc).
- Adjetivos Posesivos - Possessive Adjectives (mi, tu, su, nuestro, etc.)
- Apócope de los Adjetivos - Apocopation of Adjectives
- Artículos Definidos vs. Indefinidos - Definite & Indefinite Articles (el, la, los, las, un, una, unos, unas).
- Comparativos y Superlativos - Compartives and Superlatives
- Conjunciones - Conjunctions - All those little connecting words.
- Diptongo e Hiato - words with two vowels together and how they are pronounced
- Estar (Presente Indicativo) - The verb Estar in the Present Tense.
- Futuro - Future Tense - Regular and Irregular
- Imperativo - Imperatives - Giving orders, instructions and more.
- Imperfecto de Indicativo - Imperfect Indicative Tense - A type of past tense.
- Interrogativos - Question words in Spanish
- Muy vs Mucho - The difference between Muy and Mucho
- Por vs. Para - The difference between Por and Para.
- Por qué vs Porque vs Por que vs Porqué - When to write Por & Que together and with the tilde.
- Preposiciones - Prepositions such as A, Ante, Bajo, Con, Contra, De, Desde, En, Entre, Hacia, Hasta, Para, Por, Pro, Según, Sin, Sobre, Tras.
- Preposiciones de lugar (ubicación) - Prepositions of Place
- Presente de Indicativo - Present Tense - Regular and Irregular verbs.
- Pretérito Indefinido - Past Tense - Regular and Irregular verbs.
- Pronombres Demostrativos - Demonstrative Pronouns (esto, eso, aquello etc).
- Pronombres de Objeto Directo - Direct Object Pronous
- Pronombres Personales - Personal Pronouns (yo, tú, usted, él, ella, nosotros etc.)
- Pronombres Posesivos - Possessive Pronouns (mío, tuyo, suyo, nuestro, etc.)
- Ser (Presente Indicativo) - The verb Ser in the Present Tense.
- Sustantivos - Nouns in General.
- Sustantivos Masculinos y Femeninos - Masculine and Feminine nouns in Spanish.
- Sustantivos Propios y Comunes - Common Nouns and Proper Nouns.
- Sustantivos Singulares y Plurales - How to make plural nouns in Spanish.
- También vs. Tampoco - The difference between También and Tampoco
- Verbos Reflexivos - Reflexive Verbs such as Levantarse, acostarse, lavarse, etc.
- Voz Pasiva - Passive Voice.
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