Fruit in Spanish
Learn Spanish Vocabulary
The names of fruit in Spanish vary from one country to another. For example with the fruit apricot, in some countries they will call it albaricoque and others damasco. However in general Spanish-speaking people will know that a duranzo is the same thing as a melocotón though they may correct you according to what is said in their country.

** SPANISH Teachers ** We now have a version of this chart that can be used in your classroom. We have also included individual A4 Flash Cards of each individual fruit with its name. You can purchase it here: Fruit in Spanish - Chart and Flash Cards
List of fruit in Spanish
Here is our list of fruit in Spanish with the English translation next to it.
- el aguacate = avocado
- el albaricoque = apricot
- el ananá(s) = pineapple (in Argentina and Uruguay)
- el arándano = blueberry
- el arándano (rojo) = cranberry
- la banana = banana
- la cereza = cherry (cerezas and usually darker in color than guindas)
- la ciruela = plum
- el coco = coconut
- el damasco = apricot
- el durazno = peach
- la frambuesa = raspberry
- la fresa = strawberry
- la frutilla = strawberry
- la guinda = cherry
- la granada = pomegranate
- la grosella negra = blackcurrant
- el higo = fig
- el kiwi = kiwi
- la lima = lime
- el limón = lemon
- la mandarina = mandarine
- el mango = mango
- la manzana = apple
- el maracuyá = passion fruit
- el melocotón = peach
- el melón = melon
- el membrillo = quince
- la mora = blackberry
- la naranja = orange
- la nectarina = nectarine
- la papaya = papaya
- la palta = avocado
- la pera = pear
- la piña = pineapple
- el plátano = banana
- el pomelo = grapefruit
- la sandía = watermelon
- la toronja = grapefruit
- la uva = grape
- la zarzamora = blackberry
Next Activities
Try our game about Fruit in Spanish (coming soon)
See our notes about Las frutas en español.
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