Numbers in Spanish
Learn Spanish Vocabulary
In Spanish there are two types of numbers:
Números cardinales - Cardinal Numbers
- 1 (uno), 2 (dos) etc. which are used for counting and showing the quantity of something
Números ordinales - Ordinal Numbers
- 1º (primero), 2º (segundo) etc. which are used to give the order or sequence of numbers
Cardinal Numbers in Spanish
Cardinal numbers are used in Spanish for:
Counting things:
- Tengo tres hermanas. (I have three sisters)
- Marzo tiene treinta y un días. (March has 31 days)
Saying how old someone is:
Notice how in Spanish you use the verb TENER when you are giving your age.
- Tengo veintidós años. (I am 22 years old)
- Mi hermano tiene veintiocho años. (My brother is 28 years old)
Giving a date in Spanish
Unlike in English were ordinal numbers are used, in Spanish you use cardinal numbers when giving a date EXCEPT when we talk about the first day of the month (see ordinal numbers further below).
- Mi cumpleaños es el veintisiete de enero (27)
- El día nacional de Chile es el dieciocho de septiembre (18)
Giving a telephone number in Spanish:
- Mi número de teléfono es dos - siete - ocho - nueve - cero - uno - tres - cinco.
(My phone number is 2789-0135)
When you are giving telephone numbers in Spanish you have two options. First is to say each number one by one (dos - dos - seis - tres - cuatro - ocho - uno - cinco; 2-2-6-3-4-8-1-5) or you can group the numbers in pairs (veintidós, sesenta y tres, cuarenta y ocho, quince; 22 63 48 15)
Speaking about a specific year:
- Ella nació en mil novecientos ochenta y seis
(She was born in 1986). - América fue descubierta en el año mil cuatrocientos noventa y dos
(America was discovered in 1492).
Notice how in Spanish you don't divide the year into two parts like in English. You say the year as one long number. Ejemplo: Mil novecientos setenta y dos (1972); Dos mil ocho (2008).
List of Cardinal Numbers in Spanish
- 1 - uno
- 2 - dos
- 3 - tres
- 4 - cuatro
- 5 - cinco
- 6 - seis
- 7 - siete
- 8 - ocho
- 9 - nueve
- 10 - diez
- 11 - once
- 12 - doce
- 13 - trece
- 14 - catorce
- 15 - quince
- 16 - dieciséis
- 17 - diecisiete
- 18 - dieciocho
- 19 - diecinueve
- 20 - veinte
- 21 - veintiuno
- 22 - veintidós
- 23 - veintitrés
- 24 - veinticuatro
- 25 - veinticinco
- 26 - veintiséis
- 30 - treinta
- 33 - treinta y tres
- 40 - cuarenta
- 44 - cuarenta y cuatro
- 50 - cincuenta
- 55 - cincuenta y cinco
- 60 - sesenta
- 66 - sesenta y seis
- 70 - setenta
- 77 - setenta y siete
- 80 - ochenta
- 88 - ochenta y ocho
- 90 - noventa
- 99 - noventa y nueve
- 100 - cien*
- 101 - ciento uno
- 125 - ciento veinticinco
- 200 - doscientos
- 300 - trescientos
- 400 - cuatrocientos
- 500 - quinientos
- 600 - seiscientos
- 700 - setecientos
- 800 - ochocientos
- 900 - novecientos
- 1000 - mil
- 10.000 - diez mil
- 100.000 - cien mil
- 1.000.000 - un millón
- 10.000.000 - diez millones
- 123.456.789 - ciento veintitrés millones, cuatrocientos cincuenta y seis mil, setecientos ochenta y nueve.
The difference between Cien and Ciento
A) We use cien when we refer to the exact number 100. Cien = 100
- Cien libros
- Cien días
- Cien pesos
- Cien soldados
B) We use ciento when we refer to numbers that include 100 in it (101, 102, etc.)
- 101 = ciento uno
- 142 = ciento cuarenta y dos
- 170 = ciento setenta
Remember that "y" (and) is used between the tens and the units, not after the hundreds as in English.
- 139 = ciento treinta y nueve (correcto)
139 = ciento y treinta nueve (incorrecto)

TEACHERS: We have a printable version of this chart that you can use in your classroom: Spanish numbers 1-100 chart
Ordinal Numbers in Spanish
Ordinal numbers must agree with the nouns they refer to in both number and gender when they are used as adjectives:
- el segundo auto (the second car)
- la segunda casa (the second house)
When primero (1º) and tercero (3º) are placed before a singular masculine noun, the final -o is dropped:
- el primer candidato (the first candidate)
- el tercer trimestre (the third trimester)
Cardinal numbers over 10 are not commonly used and there is usually a way to avoid saying them.
For example with "It's his 21st birthday" you will normally hear "El cumple veintiún años" (He turned 21)
We use ordinal numbers in Spanish to:
Give the first day of the month:
- Mi cumpleaños es el primero de agosto.
The rest of the days use cardinal numbers (see the section above on cardinal numbers).
Put things in a sequence or show their order:
- Chile está segundo en las eliminatorias de la copa mundial.
- Llegué tercero en la carrera. (I finished third in the race)
Say on which floor something is in a building:
- La oficina está en el décimo piso. (The office is on the 10th floor)
Say the version of something:
- Esta es la quincuagésima versión del festival del Tango de Buenos Aires. (50th)
List of Ordinal Numbers in Spanish
- 1º - primero
- 2º - segundo
- 3º - tercero
- 4º - cuarto
- 5º - quinto
- 6º - sexto
- 7º - séptimo
- 8º - octavo
- 9º - noveno
- 10º - décimo
- 11º - decimoprimero / undécimo
- 12º - decimosegundo / duodécimo
- 13º - decimotercero
- 14º - decimocuarto
- 15º - decimoquinto
- 16º - decimosexto
- 17º - decimoséptimo
- 18º - decimoctavo
- 19º - decimonoveno
- 20º - vigésimo
- 21º - vigésimo primero
- 22º - vigésimo segundo
- 23º - vigésimo tercero
- 30º - trigésimo
- 40º - cuadragésimo
- 50º - quincuagésimo
- 60º - sexagésimo
- 70º - septuagésimo
- 80º - octogésimo
- 90º - nonagésimo
- 100º - centésimo
- 101º - centésimo primero
- 200º - ducentésimo
- 300º - tricentésimo
- 400° - cuadringentésimo
- 500°- quingentésimo
- 600°- sexcentésimo
- 700°- septingentésimo
- 800°- octingentésimo
- 900º - noningentésimo
- 1000º - milésimo
- 1000000º - millonésimo
Large Numbers in Spanish
Large numbers are generally divided into groups of threes (thousands) to make them easier to read. However they must be separated with points (or dots) and not commas.
7000000 (siete millones) is written as 7.000.000 (notice the dots instead of the commas)
9.876.543 = nueve millones, ochocientos setenta y seis mil, quinientos cuarenta y tres.
Fractions and Decimales in Spanish
We use números fraccionarios (fractions) and decimales (decimals) to talk about numbers that are less than one or to show how something is divided.
- 1/2 - un medio
- 1/3 - un tercio
- 2/3 - dos tercios
- 1/4 - un cuarto
- 3/4 - tres cuartos
- 1/5 - un quinto
- 2/5 - dos quintos
- 1/6 - un sexto
- 5/6 - cinco sextos
- 1/7 - un séptimo
- 1/8 - un octavo
- 1/10 - un décimo
- 7/10 - siete décimo
- 1/20 - un veinteavo
- 47/100 - cuarenta y siete centésimos
- 1/100 - un centésimo
- 1/1.000 - un milésimo
With larger numbers we use "y" to separate the whole numbers from the fractions.
For example: 2 3/5 = dos y tres quintos.
If we want to show a number with decimals, we need to show those decimal numbers after a comma.
Whole number + , (comma) + decimals.
For example: 3 1/2 (tres y medio) = 3,5 (tres coma cinco)
If the number after the comma has more than one digit, then we say each of those numbers individually.
For example: 3.456,789 = tres mil cuatrocientos cincuenta y seis coma setecientos ochenta y nueve.
1.234.567,891 (in Spanish) = 1,234,567.891 (in English)
When we talk about dollars and cents, they are joined by the preposition con (with) or the conjunction y (and).
For example: $21,95 = veintiún dólares con noventa y cinco centavos OR veintiún dólares y noventa y cinco centavos
Next Activities
Try our interactive games to practise numbers in Spanish:
Los Números 1-100 - Numbers 1-100
Los Números - Numbers (big ones)
OR see our notes written in Spanish about Los Números.
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