Spanish Vocabulary Lessons
Lecciones de vocabulario en español
These lessons are divided into two sections:
The first section contains Spanish vocabulary explained in English.
The second section contains Spanish vocabulary explained in Spanish.
Spanish Vocabulary Topics (in ENGLISH)
Over the next months we will create more Spanish Vocabulary pages with English explanations, thinking of the people who have a basic level of Spanish.
Pages in English for learning Spanish Vocabulary:
- Colors - Colors in Spanish, word order and typical things associated with each one
- Days & Months - The days of the week and the months of the year in Spanish
- Family Members - Members of the family from your immediate family to relatives.
- Fruit - Names of fruit in Spanish
- Greetings and Farewells - also congratulations, wishing someone luck or to get well
- Numbers - The numbers in Spanish (cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers and fractions)
- Spanish-speaking countries and capitals - A list of countries where Spanish is the official language along with the capital city of each one.
- Sport - Different types of sport and typical vocabulary about each one.
- Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day Vocabulary and Expression in Spanish including the difference between Te Amo and Te Quiero.
Common mistakes in Spanish (for English speakers)
- Conocer vs. Saber
- Embarazada vs. Avergonzada
- Éxito vs. Salida
- Éxito vs. Suceso
- Jugar vs. Tocar
- Muy vs Mucho
- Preguntar vs. Pedir
- Salir vs. Dejar
- Soportar vs. Apoyar
- También vs. Tampoco
- Tú vs. Tu
- Ves vs. Vez
Spanish Vocabulary Topics (en ESPAÑOL)
Note that these pages are entirely in Spanish so you can learn the main word and other ones associated with it in its description / explanation. Some of these pages have a reading passage.
- Aeropuerto - Airports
- Animales de la granja - Names of farm animals in Spanish
- Bancos - Banks and Finances
- Baño - The Bathroom and different things you will find in it.
- Características Personales - Personal Characteristics
- Casa - The house and things you will find in it
- Cine - Cinema and movies
- Cinco de Mayo - The Mexican Celebration of the 5th of May
- Ciudad - Places around a city
- Cocina - The Kitchen with all that you will find inside of it.
- Colores - Different Colors and things associated with them.
- Comedor - The dining room
- Cuerpo - Parts of the Body (with photos)
- Deportes - A list of sports explained Spanish
- Dia de Acción de Gracias - Thanksgiving Day
- Día de la Tierra - Earth Day (April 22)
- Día de Muertos - Day of the Dead
- Día de Reyes - Three Kings' Day (6 de enero / January 6)
- Día de San Patricio - Saint Patrick's Day (17 de marzo / March 17)
- Día de San Valentín - Valentine's Day (14 de febrero / February 14)
- Días y Meses - The days of the week and months of the year.
- Dormitorio - The Bedroom and things you will find in it.
- Estaciones del Año - Vocabulary associated with the seasons - primavera, verano, otoño, invierno
- Familia de Palabras - Word Families
- Fiestas Patrias de Chile - Chilean National Day Celebrations (18 de septiembre / September 18)
- Frutas - Fruit in Spanish
- La Hora - How to tell the time in Spanish.
- Hospitales - Hospitals and Health
- Hoteles - Hotels in Spanish with the different types and vocabulary associated with them.
- Información Personal - Personal information questions.
- Internet - Reading text and vocabulary about Internet
- Miembros de la Familia - Family Members
- Nacionalidades - Countries, Nationalities and the Languages that they speak.
- Navidad - Christmas
- Noche de Brujas - Halloween
- Números - Numbers in Spanish. Fractions, Ordinal and Cardinal numbers.
- Oficina - Things you will find in an office.
- Opuestos - Adjetivos - A list of Adjectives, their opposites and examples of each.
- Opuestos - Verbos - A list of Verbs, their opposites and examples of each.
- Países de habla hispana - Spanish-speaking countries and their capitales
- Partes de una carta - Parts of a letter in Spanish
- Profesiones y Oficios - A list of professions and jobs and what they do.
- Rutinas - Daily routines both at home and at work.
- Sala de estar - The Living room with all that you will find inside of it.
- Saludos y Despedidas - Greetings and Farewells (oral and written forms)
- Sustantivos Colectivos - Collective Nouns
- Tiempo Libre y Ocio - Free time activities
- Trabalenguas con R - Tonguetwisters with the letter R in Spanish
- Verduras - Las verduras en español
Ciencias Naturales - Natural Science in Spanish
- Animales Invertebrados - Invertebrates (animals)
- Animales Vertebrados - Vertebrates (animals)
- Carnívoros, Herbívoros y Omnívoros - Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores
- Los Cinco Sentidos - The 5 Senses
- Los Materiales y sus Propiedades - Materials and their properties
- Seres Vivos y Objetos - Living Things and Objects
- Sistema solar y los planetas - The solar system and planets
- Sistemas del cuerpo humano - Body Systems
Spanish Reading Topics
See our Spanish Reading Passages to learn more Spanish Vocabulary and practice it in context. Note: these pages are completely in Spanish. There are also reading resources with worksheets for Spanish teachers.
If there is any area that you would like to appear here, just let us know and we try and will include it.
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