Welcome to the Spanish Grammar and Vocabulary Reference website of Woodward Spanish - www.spanish.cl
Learn Spanish with our grammar guides and notes including rules and many examples to help you understand.
36 Spanish Grammar Rules
New - Diptongo e Hiato - words with two vowels together
New - Writing Dialogues in Spanish - Punctuation (Explained in English)
New - Palabras agudas, graves, esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas
New - Gustar - How to say you like something in Spanish (Explained in English)
Learn Spanish with our interactive grammar games that help you practice different grammar rules and structures.
98 Spanish Grammar Games
New - Gusta vs Gustan - The difference between these words
New - Hablar Comer Vivir 1 - Present Tense conjugation
New - Ge, Gi, Gue, Gui - Spanish words that contain Ge, Gi, Gue, and Gui
New - Muy vs Mucho - The difference between Muy and Mucho
Learn Spanish with our Vocabulary topics on different areas with examples and sometimes photos to help you learn it.
62 Spanish Vocabulary Topics
New - Animales de la granja - Farm Animals
New - Día de Reyes - Three Kings' Day (6 de enero / January 6)
New - Día de Muertos - Day of the Dead
New - Estaciones del Año - Vocabulary associated with the seasons
Learn Spanish with our interactive Vocabulary games divided into Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Spanish Vocabulary.
80 Spanish Vocabulary Games
New - Los Números Ordinales - Ordinal Numbers
New - Familia - Árbol Genealógico - Spanish Family Tree Vocabulary
New - Día de la Tierra - Earth Day and the environment
New - Los Colores - Names of colors in Spanish (with image)
More Spanish Learning Resources
Would you like to be able to communicate and interact more efficiently with Spanish speakers in their own language? Well, we can help you learn Spanish from the comfort of your home.
Spanish Reading Passages
Reading texts, stories and articles in Spanish about different topics. Below each passage there is a list of vocabulary associated with the topic along with a definition of each word.
Spanish Teacher / Student Codes
A list of codes that Spanish Teachers can give to their students making it easier for them to find additional activities that you recommend they do outside of the classroom.
Spanish Verb Conjugations
A list of 29 Spanish Verbs with their complete conjugation (verb changes) as well as examples of each tense. There are also interactive games to practice the correct conjugation of each verb.
Common Mistakes in Spanish
A list of commonly confused words in Spanish where we have
explanations in English to help you understand the difference. There are also interactive games to practice them.
Chilean Spanish Pronunciation
A guide of how to pronounce like a Chilean.
Chilean Spanish Dictionary
A dictionary of Chilean Slang and expressions.
Learn Spanish - Free Spanish Course
Our Woodward Spanish website with a free course to learn Spanish online as well as tips for learning the Spanish language. We also have ELE resources for Spanish Teachers.
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